Natalie is 7 months old and already she has big, loopy curls with lots of natural volume. Her hair is so fun (hello, hair bows!), and it’s made me think about how important it is that my actions & thoughts reflect positivity. Not just because I have a daughter, but because I also have a son, and my children will have women in their life they need to be a positive light to.
What is beauty? What makes someone “beautiful”? Why do we stop believing we are beautiful (or suddenly believe we are)?
What if we considered exactly how we were made, our natural features and all, and declared it as perfect?
Zack sent me a link to a Dove Hair commercial and it about did me in (video is below). I couldn’t agree with it more, and wanted to share it with you today. Really though, their mantra doesn’t stop with loving curly hair. We all need to love our hair, our curves, our smiles, our handwriting, our height, our freckles, our laughs, our quirks, our personal strengths/gifts.
We are women created with purpose to share our selves, our talents with the world.
Remember you are perfect, and by the way… your hair is amazing.
See you Monday :)